Quirkee Birds

4 Reasons why style is important for your happiness

by Felicia Pettersson | January 11, 2018
4 Reasons why style is important for your happiness

4 Reasons why style is important for your happiness

It's a new year, which, for many means a blank canvas of new, exciting opportunities.
Personally, I like to use this time to review and refresh myself inside out.
When I have finished writing my new year goals and a detailed strategy for how to acheive them, I go out and refresh my wardobe with new styles that make me feel happy, confident, inspired and aligned with who I want to be and where I am going. It is incredible what it does for your sense of momentum and motivation. Here are four reasons why.

1. First impressions and opportunities

Employers say that they sum you up in a matter of seconds, and a majority of what goes into that assessment is based on your appearance. The good news is that your style is something that you have control over. It is up to you to make a conscious (not self-conscious!) decision on what you wear and make sure it is as aligned as possible with how you want to feel and how you’d like to be perceived.

2. Aligning with, and expressing, your personality

What you choose to wrap yourself in says a lot about you. Does it represent who you are? Does it make you proud? Confident? Happy? If it doesn’t, why are you wearing it?

3. Self respect

Dressing with care will look different on every single one of us, and that is a good, and fabulous, thing. When we dress to show respect for ourselves, people around us automatically sense our confidence. If you want others to respect you, you must respect yourself first. And show it.

It is not just about the look and how the shape flatters your body, how it feels to wear and how the materials treat your skin are also important elements in selecting wear with self respect. 

The cycle of self-care feeding self-love is perpetual and ongoingly enhances your inner power and self-respect. It is a reminder that you can control how you feel about yourself. Isn’t that a superpower we all should be cultivating?

4. Change without changing

By changing your wardrobe and style you can affect how you view your body, even if your body itself hasn’t changed. Chose clothing that works with your body and emphasizes your natural beauty. Finding colors, textures and styles that enhance your natural assets can make you see how gorgeous you are right now (and have been all along).

For example, wearing the right skirt that works with your curves instead of against them, may allow you to really embrace your shape. Slipping on a great pair of boots can demonstrate that those legs are damned fine just as they are.


With hand selected pieces from up to 60 streetwear labels, brought to the Quirkee Birds stores from the best fashion districts across the world, you have a vast range of styles, fabrics, shapes, colours and accessories to express yourself with. And with the optional assistance of friendly, talented and highly experienced stylists by your side, there are extraordinary (and unusual) opportunities to explore how to best identify and flatter your natural assets, helping you feel confident and motvated about yourself and the new year.

Call today to book in a FREE,
no obligation styling session 02 9818 3100